Information security on the Internet

When using traditional e-mail communication,  messages are transmitted unencrypted through multiple servers before reaching their intended recipient. While messages travel securely between  servers they remain unencrypted within the servers themselves, making them vulnerableto being read, altered, or forged.

“Thousands of computer servers around the world were targeted by hackers over the weekend, according to Italy’s National Cyber Security Agency (ACN).”

The hijacking of work e-mail accounts have been on rise, often facilitated by scam e-mails. These deceptive messages may appear as security alerts, prompting recipients to click a link and enter their work e-mail address and password to access the content.

To prevent interception in external e-mail services, multi-factor authentication can be employed. This method requres not only a password , but also a unoque a code from user’s phone. The code can be generated through an authentication app or sent via voice  or text message.

Credential-based attacs and password breaches through internet traffic are frequently executed using public, unsecured Wi-Fi networks or compromised home internet routers. Reliable VPN software can help protect aganst such threats.

To preserve confidential information, concider backing it up to an external storage device or USB drive, which allow you to avoid relying on external internet servers for storage.

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